Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Assessment of spring wheat varieties for resistance to leaf fungal diseases under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

Author(s) Khomenko S.O., , ,
Fedorenko I.V., , ,
Ferorenko M.V., , ,
Rachenko O.S., , , Ukrainian Institute examination of plant varieties
Daniuk T.A., , , Ukrainian Institute examination of plant varieties
Category The Agronomy
year 2016 issue 88
pages 202-209 index UDK 633.11:631.527.86
Abstract As wheat is usually affected with a complex of pathogens, providing selection process with sources and donors of group and complex resistance to leaf fungal diseases is one of the problems of modern selection. Creation and introduction of new varieties resistant to pathogens significantly reduces spreading harmful pathogens and using fungicides in agricultural practice which cause environmental pollution. The objective of this study is to evaluate bread wheat and durum spring wheat varieties of different eco-geographical origin and to identify among them sources of resistance to leaf fungal diseases. As a result of studies bread spring wheat varieties were identified resistant to: powdery mildew – Simkoda myronivska, Panianka, Krasa Polissia, Cheremshyna, Rannia 93, Skorospilka 98, Skorospilka 99, Vitka, Anshlah, Alliance, Katiusha, Aranka, Torchynska, Evdokia (UKR), Koksa, Yasna (POL), Leguan (CZE), ПХРСВ-03 (USA); brown leaf rust – Simkoda myronivska, Myronivchanka, Kolektyvna 3, Panianka, Skorospilka 99, Etiud, Cheremshyna, Krasa Polissia, Aranka, Venera, Evdokia, Anshlah, Skorospilka 99 (UKR), Leguan (CZE), Yasna (POL); speckled leaf blotch – Kolektyvna 3, Etiud, Panianka, Simkoda myronivska, Krasa Polissia, Skorospilka 99, Cheremshyna, Kharkivska 26, Heroinia (UKR), Evdokia (UKR), Leguan (CZE), Yasna(POL), Triso (DEU). By complex resistance to fungal leaf diseases bread spring wheat varieties Cheremshyna, Simkoda myronivska, Panianka, Krasa Polissia, Kolektyvna 3, Evdokia, Aranka (UKR), Leguan (CZE), Yasna (POL) and durum spring wheat varieties – Diana, Kuchumivka, Chado, Nashchadok, Zhizel, Tera, Izolda, Slavuta, Kharkivska 39, Kharkivska 41 (UKR) were identified which can serve as sources of resistance to fungal leaf diseases and be involved in crossbreeding to increase immunity under conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Key words bread spring wheat, durum spring wheat, variety, disease resistance.
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