Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Features of soil valuation methods

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Rassadina I.Y., postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Stasinevych O.Y., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor of Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 102. Part 1
pages 240-247 index UDK 001.891 : 631.4
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-240-247 (Link)
Abstract Introduction. The land fund is the most valuable wealth of Ukraine. The well-being of the people depends on its optimal and efficient use. The basis of successful management, of course, is fertile soil. Given the multifunctionality of the soil, it is important to correctly assess its significance in society. First of all, there should be no misunderstanding and reduction of the importance of soils in the country's economy at all levels of government, its irrational use, and the assumption of the development of degradation processes. The aim of the work is to study the features of soil grading by various methods to improve the methodology for assessing soil productivity developed by A. I. Sirim. Results. To achieve this goal, a number of methods were analyzed: V. V. Dokuchaev, S. S. Sobolev, V. P. Kuzmichev, L. Y. Novakovsky, A. I. Sery, V. V. Medvedev. In the methodology of V. V. Dokuchaev, some features should be taken into account. It is clearly divided into natural-historical (bonitation) and agricultural-economic (economic evaluation). Land valuation work includes soil survey and determination of chemical and physical properties. The results of the analyzes are presented in the form of charts used to determine the comparative value of soils. The second part of the work consists of collecting economic information on yields and profitability. Grading is recommended to be carried out taking into account natural conditions and soil properties. In contrast to the methodology of V. V. Dokuchaev, S. S. Sobolev proposed to evaluate soils using correlated indicators with productivity. He was the first to apply the methods of mathematical statistics for the grading of soils. This approach is based on the use of paired correlation analysis indicators that have a close relationship with crop yields. Unlike the previous method, soil grading consists of three successive stages: preparatory, field and cameral. During the preparatory period, grading scales are compiled based on a generalization of soil properties. V. P. Kuzmichev tried to eliminate the shortcomings of the methodology of S. S. Sobolev by using indicators that, in his opinion, generalize the entire complex of natural conditions. The productivity of agricultural crops was chosen as such an integral indicator. It is believed that it takes into account the diversity of climate, the development of productive forces, organizational and economic features of production, as well as the natural properties of soils. The method of L. Y. Novakovsky was based on the properties of soils. Among the main indicators, the content of humus, physical clay, and the depth of the humus horizon were used. The remaining indicators were classified as modified. They are taken into account by means of correction factors. In the method itself, among the main features, only those that are closely related to the yield of agricultural crops appeared. Methodology V.V. Medvedev has a wide range of indicators for assessing potential and effective soil fertility. It considers soil, climate and field as an inseparable and unified system that determines soil productivity. The proposed methodology minimizes the use of correction factors, establishes a common national scale of general and partial bonitet scores, uses a fundamentally new type of standard - soil, climate and field parameters that meet the needs of plants and allow the most efficient use of the technology's potential. Conclusions. The method adopted in Ukraine by A. I. Sery for grading soils evaluates in detail a set of conditions that determine the efficiency of land use. But the main points concerning negative soil processes and the use of appropriate correction factors are not sufficiently taken into account in it. Therefore, it would be appropriate to use appropriate coefficients when assessing soils depending on the degree of influence of negative factors, especially if soils that have experienced a significant impact of negative processes are assessed.
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