Uman NUH | today: 01/12/2025

Growing of broccoli in a film greenhouse with the soil mulching and application of water-retaining granules

Author(s) Лихацький В.І., , ,
Cherednichenko V.M., Candidate of Agricultural Science, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2014 issue Issue #84
pages 128-133 index UDK 635.35:631.544.4:631.58
Abstract The aim of the conducted investigations is studying the influence of film greenhouses, water-retaining granules Akvod, and soil mulching on the yield capacity and production quality of broccoli in conditions of a film greenhouse. Thus, the application of water-retaining granules and soil mulching in a spring film greenhouse without heating has the significant influence on passing through phenological phases, duration of interphase periods and biometric characteristics of broccoli plants during all stages of their growth and development. The highest yield capacity both separately by years and in average for the years of investigations was received in variants with soil mulching by black agro fiber – 3.7 and 4.1 kg/м2 and by the sawdust with the application of granules – 3.6 kg/м2, and in the control – 2,4 kg/м2, which is by 1.3 and 1.7 and by 1.2 kg/м2 less. The essence of the given difference is proved by the results of the dispersive analysis. In all other variants with the application of mulch the essential increment to the yield compared with the control was also provided. It should be mentioned that in all variants with the application of water-retaining granules the essential increment to the yield in comparison with the variants where granules were not applied, was provided.
Key words broccoli, spring greenhouse, water-retaining granules Akvod, mulching materials, black perforated polyethylene film, black agro fiber, sawdust, straw
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