Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

Technological parametres of formation of grain quality of spring barley

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Гавриленко В. С., , ,
Приходько В. О., , ,
Крикун С. П., , ,
Худолій Л. В., , ,
Товстенко Я. Ю., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages index UDK 664.64.016:633.16
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-315-324 (Link)
Abstract Goal. To determine the technological parameters of grain quality formation of spring bare barley under different fertilization systems in field crop rotation. Methods. Laboratory, calculation and comparison, analysis. Research results. Of the main nutrients in the complete mineral fertilizer (N70P60K70), the nitrogen component contributed the most to the increase in protein content (by 8 %), followed by phosphorus and potassium – by 2 % each. With a halving of the dose of mineral fertilizers (variant N35P30K35), the protein content was formed by 0.4 abs. %. With a decrease in the composition of the complete mineral fertilizer (N70P60K70) by half the dose of phosphorus, potassium, or both of these nutrients, only a tendency to decrease the protein content by 0.1–0.3 abs. % was observed. Of the main nutrients in the complete mineral fertilizer (N70P60K70), the nitrogen component contributes the most to increasing the protein content (by 8 %), followed by phosphorus and potassium – 2 % each. When the dose of mineral fertilizers is halved (variant N35P30K35), the protein content is formed by 0.4 abs. %. With a decrease in the composition of complete mineral fertilizer (N70P60K70) by half the dose of phosphorus, potassium or both of these nutrients, only a tendency to decrease the protein content by 0.1–0.3 abs % is observed. On average, over the three years of research, the starch content in bare barley grains is 59.4–61.3 %, depending on the characteristics of the fertilizer. The collection of starch from the grain harvest of bare barley depends to a greater extent on the weather conditions of the growing season than on fertilizer. On average, during the three years of research, thanks to the improvement of mineral nutrition of plants by applying fertilizers, it increases from 1464 to 1754–2070 kg/ha, or by 20–41 %. Reducing the dose of complete mineral fertilizer by half (to N35P30K35) reduces starch collection by 201 kg/ha or by 10 %. Conclusions. On average, over the three years of conducting research on plots without fertilizers, the protein content is 15.5 % and increases by 1–10 % in other variants of the experiment, depending on the doses, types of mineral fertilizers and their combinations. At the same time, the use of only nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 35–70 kg/ha per year helps to increase the protein content in grain by 7–8 %. The introduction of 70 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizers on the background of P60K70 is much more effective and increases the protein content by 10 %. With the introduction of only phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (variant of the experiment P60K70) in all the years of the research, no reliable increase in the protein content of whole-grain barley grains was obtained, so it can be assumed that only a trend of its increase over three years from 15.5 % to 15.7 % can be observed.
Key words spring barley, protein content, starch content, grain nature, fertilization systems
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