Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Simulation of hazardous and harmful factors in the harvesting of millet seed

Author(s) Berezovskyi A.P., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Bilonozhko V. Y., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Profesor, Cherkassy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Category The Agronomy
year 2016 issue 89
pages 221-229 index UDK 331.452: 633.12
Abstract The problem of safety ensuring in production is almost always solved under conditions of limited economic opportunities. Hence there is a need for the development of such methods of occupational safety management that allow getting management decisions and provide maximum of social impact with limited costs of resources. Implementation of this approach is possible only through the development and study of relevant models that take into account the specific conditions of production. In modern agriculture there is a significant amount of harmful and dangerous production factors that can cause diseases and injuries to employees as well as damage for machinery, equipment and so on. Therefore, simulation of such hazardous and harmful factors, as well as their prediction and elimination based on this are relevant and important in the prevention of injuries. A specialist in the field of crop production should know what dangerous factors may arise in carrying out specific technological processes (plowing, fertilizing, sowing, taking care of crops, etc.) for proper development of activities on labor safety. Logical simulation can help in this best of all. The method of logic simulation of potential accidents, injuries, illnesses opens up the possibility to develop better system of production safety management. This system is based on a quick search of industrial hazards, their deep logical analysis and urgent eliminating of potential dangers even before the traumatic and catastrophic situations. Using this method of logic simulation it is possible to predict the occurrence of any traumatic situation and accordingly take measures to prevent it. Primarily, this task is assigned to heads of production units or professionals. However, actions of prevention of occupational injuries will prevent these people to be responsible for accidents that occur with their subordinates. However, the employee is responsible for warning of injuries and poisonings as he is a direct participant in the process of forming a dangerous situation and it is the easiest for him to prevent it. According to statistical data, about half of all accidents occur due to the fault of affected employees because of ignoring labor safety rules. The director should educate subordinates understanding of necessity to avoid dangerous situations in addition to ensuring safe working conditions.
Key words simulation, traumatic and catastrophic situations, production, harvesting, common millet.
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