Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Development of pumpkin puree cupcake technology

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Novikov V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, ,
Zheliezna V. V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue 105 part 1
pages 7-29 index UDK 664.664.4:[664.849:635.621
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-7-29 (Link)
Abstract Goal. Development of a cupcake recipe by adding pumpkin puree according to physico-chemical, organoleptic indicators and sociological studies. Methods. Laboratory, measuring, calculation and comparison, analysis, statistical. The results. As a result of the research, it was established that the physico-chemical indicators of the quality of the cake change depending on the amount of pumpkin puree. Research results show that the addition of pumpkin puree significantly (р ≤ 0.05) increases the indicators of vitamin A content (RAE), integral speed, baking, drying and moisture content of the cake. The volume of the cake is reliably reduced by adding 10–50 % pumpkin puree. The color of the surface of the cake with the addition of 5–25 % of pumpkin puree is light brown, increasing its share to 30–50 % provides a cake with a brown surface. The light yellow pulp of the cake provides the addition of 5–15 % pumpkin puree. With the addition of 20–50 % pumpkin puree, the color of the cake crumb is yellow. The use of 5–15 % pumpkin puree in the recipe of the cake provides the highest level of smell and taste evaluation (8–9 points). Adding 20–25 % pumpkin puree provides an average level of smell and taste – 6.0–7.7 points. Increasing the amount of pumpkin puree to 30–50 % provides the lowest level of consumer evaluation. It was established that the largest number of respondents (55 %) like cupcakes with 15–20 % pumpkin puree content. It should be noted that it is possible to increase the amount of pumpkin puree to 25–30 %, as 30 % of respondents prefer such cupcake samples. With this recipe, a cake is obtained with an integral rate for vitamin A (RAE) of 27–28 %, moisture content of 27.5–30.4 %, baking – 12.4–13.5 %, shrinkage – 2.4–2.6 % , with a volume of 137–161 cm3/100 g of dough. At the same time, the porosity is 1–5 points, the color of the surface of the cake is brown, the color of the pulp is dark yellow, the consistency of the pulp is rubbery, the level of pumpkin taste is strong (3.7–5.7 points). Conclusions. It is optimal to add 15–20 % of pumpkin puree in the cake production technology. With this formulation, the integral rate of vitamin A (RAE) is 21–23 %, moisture – 22.9–25.9 %, baking – 8.9–10.0 %, drying – 2.1–2.2 %, volume – 166–177 cm3/100 g of dough. Porosity is 7–9 points, surface color is light brown, pulp color is yellow, pulp consistency is soft, pumpkin flavor level is weak or absent (7.0–8.3 points).
Key words confectionery, pumpkin paste, vitamin A (RAE), integral score, organoleptic indicators, physicochemical indicators
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