Uman NUH | today: 01/07/2025

Historical aspects of selection and genetic improvement of rose varieties

Author(s) Polishchuk V.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Balabak A.F., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Velychko Y.A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Varlashchenko L. H., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2016 issue 89
pages 191-199 index UDK 631.526.3:582.711.712.(091)
Abstract The historical information on growing and distribution of species and varieties of roses of Rosa L. genus in the world is presented and selection achievements and developments in selecting this crop are analyzed. The morphological structure of plants is given. The main directions of selection work on the creation of new genotypes of roses at Uman NUH are defined. Introduced varieties of the collection of roses by groups at the Department of Landscape Management are characterized. Wildlife species of briar and rose of cultivated species belong to Rosa L. genus, family Rosaceous – Rousseau Juss. These plants are used in ornamental horticulture, in individual and group plantings, pole fencings, mono gardens, as well as a parent stock for growing varieties of roses. Unlike other decorative and flowering shrubs that bloom mainly in spring, most species of roses bloom throughout the growing season. Due to cutting, it is possible to create a variety of shapes of a crown which will decorate any objects of gardening. By flowering nature there are roses of disposable and reusable blooming (remontant). Wild briar blooms the first that blooms only once a season. Roses that occur to replace it (Ramblers) bloom for a long time and they are gorgeous. Most garden roses are thermophilic plants. Cultivated roses without cover for winter can be grown only in southern areas of Europe where winters are short and do not exceed 12-14ºC. By its decorative value, a rose exceeds almost all known flowering plants. It is really the queen of flowers occupying one of the main places not only in ornamental horticulture but also in landscape gardening construction. Now many new varieties of roses are selected that are combined in the following groups: hybrid tea roses, cluster-flowered roses, Grundi flora, Dwarf Cluster-flowered roses, Climbing Miniature Non-reccurent) roses, Polyantha, rambling roses, Ground-Cover roses and English ones that bloom later until frost. Thus, genetic and biological peculiarities of different species of roses are various and depend primarily on the conditions of the environment in which they were grown and on the basis of which many new varieties were selected, combined into the following groups: hybrid tea roses, cluster-flowered roses, Grundi flora, Dwarf Cluster-flowered roses, Climbing Miniature Non-reccurent) roses, Polyantha, rambling roses, Ground-Cover roses and English ones. At a botanical nursery of the Department of Landscape Management new varieties of ground cover roses were introduced – Naomi, Scarlet and Madias; low-growing cluster-flowered roses - Rotkapchen, Layf, Gertrudagrin; Grundi flora – Red Monardo, Fiesta, Frezia, Arifa, Konfetti, Gospel, Keri, City of Belfast, Manitu, Charles de Gaulle, Aqua, Red Leonardo, Circus, Medallion; Dwarf Cluster-flowered roses – Bright Style, Eltor, Orange Spray, Luna, Planten un Blomen, Raufais, Lavagnut; hybrid tea roses – Barcarolle, Minuet, Chopin, Redintuishen, New Blue, Burgundy, Motley fantasy, Double Delight, Pink Waltz, Dolce Vita, Sophia Loren; rambling roses – Sympathy, Caesar, Rose de Rasht, Eric Taberli, Nahema, Laguna, Golden Shauers, Polka, Elf.
Key words Rosaceae family, hybrid tea roses, cluster-flowered roses, Grundi flora, Dwarf Cluster-flowered roses, Climbing Miniature Non-reccurent) roses, Polyantha, rambling roses, Ground-Cover roses, English roses, species of briar.
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