Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Application of mineral fertilizers to winter garlic crops using continuous planting

Author(s) Ulyanych O.I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of of Vegetable Production, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Остапенко Н. О., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 117-125 index UDK 635.262:631.82:631.53.01
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-117-125 (Link)
Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine a rational method of obtaining high-quality bulbs of winter garlic of the Lyubasha and Prometheus varieties under the conditions of no-plant cultivation and local fertilization. In order to establish the effect of mineral fertilizer N20P20K20+Me on the growth and development of plants on winter garlic crops, phenological and biometric observations were made, the height and area of the leaf surface were measured, and the number of leaves on the plant was counted. The conducted research showed that with the non-transplant method of planting, biometric indicators were higher with a higher rate of application of mineral fertilizers N20P20K20+Me. 30 days after spring regrowth, the difference in height was 2.4–5.5 cm in the Prometheus variety, 5.9–7.1 cm in the Lyubasha variety, and 43.5 cm in the Prometheus variety after 60 days and 38.1 cm in the Lyubasha variety. The height of the plants with one-time feeding was somewhat smaller in similar varieties – 40.8 cm and 36.6 cm. The next measurement was carried out a month later. Plants grown on unfertilized plots of the studied varieties were characterized by the lowest height – 11.9 cm and 9.3 cm. The highest indicators of the formed above-ground mass and photosynthetic surface of plants were with a significantly larger area after two-time feeding of N20P20K20+Me 60 days after spring regrowth, in the Prometheus variety is 72.8 cm2, the Lyubasha variety is 96.5 cm2. With one-time feeding, the area of leaves was inferior to the version with two-time feeding, however, it exceeded the control by 32.8 % and 28.1 %, respectively. In the experiment, where the plants were watered only with water, the Lyubasha variety had a larger leaf surface area – 20.9 cm2, while the Prometheus variety – 24.8 cm2. A month later, due to the drying of the tops of the leaves, the plants had a lower height in the Prometheus variety by 9.2 %, in the Lyubasha variety by 10.4 %. In the non-transplanting method of cultivation, fertilizing with mineral fertilizer N20P20K20+Me contributed to the growth and development of winter garlic plants and increased the yield in the Prometheus variety to 9.2 t/ha, in the Lyubasha variety – 9.5 t/ha, the increase compared to the control was 3.2 t /ha.
Key words winter garlic, variety, fertilizer, growth, development, productivity
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