Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Field germination of seeds and survival of soybean plants depending on the elements of growing technology in the conditions of the western Forest-Steppe

Author(s) Чинчик О.С., , ,
Козирський Д. В., , ,
Kravchenko V. S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 102. Part 1
pages 155-164 index UDK 633.34:631.5:631.8
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-155-164 (Link)
Abstract The density of crops was recorded in the phase of full germination and before harvesting. On average, for 2019–2022, a high rate of field seed germination was found in soybean varieties Rogiznianka, Samorodok, Triada, Orpheus, Azimut – 88.1–88.9 % on the variant of background fertilization, which ensured the density of plant standing in the seedling phase 614.8-622.3 thousand pcs./ha. Seeds of the Arrata variety had the lowest field germination – 85.9 %. Treatment of soybean seeds before sowing with biological preparations Rizoaktiv and Mycofriend contributed to a slight increase in field germination of all soybean varieties, except for varieties Rogiznianka and Orpheus. The highest field germination was formed in varieties Rogiznianka and Azimutin the experimental variants, where seeds were inoculated with biological preparations based on Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Glomus intraradices and foliar feeding of crops with fulvohumin and amounted to 89.3% and 89%. The final density of soybean sowing before harvesting depends significantly on survival, which characterizes the resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions and depends, first of all, on the characteristics of the variety and technological elements of fertilizer. Accounting for the density of soybean sowing during the growing season showed a decrease in the number of plants in the process of their growth and development. So, in the variant of background fertilizer for the harvesting period, the highest survival rate of soybean plants was in Rogiznianka and Azimut varieties and amounted to 92.8 and 92.9 %. The greatest loss in the number of plants was in the Arrata soybean variety in the control variant of the fertilizer, on which the survival rate of plants was 88.9%. In our studies, seed and foliar biologics also increased the survival of soybean plants. Thus, inoculation of seeds with biopreparations based on Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Glomus intraradices increased the survival of soybean plants by 0.4–1.6 %. Under the conditions of combined interaction on the growth and development of soybean plants, biological preparations for seed treatment, and Fulvohumin for foliar feeding, the highest rate of plant survival in the experiment was noted, in particular, in the varieties Azimut (94.7 %) and Rogiznianka (94.4 %).But in general, field germination of seeds depended more on the varietal characteristics of soybeans than on the use of biological preparations. The highest field germination of soybean seeds was formed in varieties Rogiznianka and Azimutin the experimental variants, where seeds were inoculated with biological preparations based on Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Glomus intraradices and foliar top dressing of crops with Fulvohumin was 8.4. The most favorable conditions for the growth, development, and preservation of the maximum number of plants per unit area during the growing season were formed in the variant with seed treatment with biological preparations based on Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Glomus intraradices and two foliar top dressings of crops with Fulvohumin. On this fertilizer variant, soybean varieties Azimut and Rogiznianka stood out, which formed the plant density for the harvesting period of 592.6 and 590.2 thousand units/ha with a survival rate of 94.7 and 94.4 %, respectively.
Key words soybean, variety, field germination, plant survival, fertilizer, Rhizoactive, Fulvohumin
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