Uman NUH | today: 01/04/2025

Weeds soil before posevom peas, winter wheat, sugar beets at different activities of primary

Author(s) Kyzhanjvskiy V.G., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2017 issue Issue number 90. Part 1
pages 255-260 index UDK 631.51.034:631.128.2
Abstract Replacement vspashky kultyvatsyey and variants without osnovnoj obrabotku soil lead for an increase weeds verhneho 10-centimeter layer of soil seed sornyakov, Therefore General multitude sornyakov on posevah peas, winter wheat, sugar beets As at the beginning, so and on End vehetatsyy at varyantov mynymyzatsyy primary obrabotku significantly increases. Ratsyonalnaya system obrabotku soil sposobna significantly vlyyat on rashodnuyu sostavlyayuschuyu hodovoho semyan sornyakov balance in the soil. However hlubynы effect and duration of application that ynnoy. Or obrabotku in sevooborote at semyan in demolition and weeds posevov otsenyvaetsya differently. Relatively optymalnoy mehanycheskoy obrabotku soil to struggle with sornyakamy, nuzhny utverzhdat, something in the transition from otvalnoho preferred method for bezotvalnoho primary obrabotku soil significantly uvelychyvaetsya weeds posevov at the expense of lokalyzatsyy semyan sornyakov sloyah the top soil. Activities of the main pre sowing, peas, winter wheat and sugar beets significantly influenced the distribution of weed seeds in the profile of the upper 30-cm soil layer. As for the effect of individual factors studied, at the expense of plowing as compared to the cultivation and without option of the main processing of the soil tended to reduce the number of weed seeds in the soil layer of 0-10 cm, and increase it to 20-30 cm soil layer. The soil layer 10-20 cm number of weed seeds was also higher plowing. The greatest number of weed seeds in the soil layer was 0-10 cm in the embodiment without the basic processing, and in the 10-20 cm layer - plowing. This pattern is manifested in three years of research in all versions of our experience.
Key words peas, winter wheat, sugar beets, kultyvatsyya, basic treatment.
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