Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Causative agents of gray rot and peculiar properties of their development of the long-term storage of roots of sugar beet

Author(s) Kucherenko E.P., Postgraduate, ,
Sabluk V.T., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2013 issue Issue #82
pages 113-119 index UDK 63.4:632.4.01/.08
Abstract The sugar beet roots usage in the industry for sugar receiving related to their storage for a certain period during which they are affected by pathogenic microorganisms. This in turn leads to the losses of sugar beet. Gray rot — caused by a complex of fungi and bacteria and a number of factors that reduce the natural resilience of roots during their storage.It is characterized by the appearance of different colors of tarnish and tissues softening on the roots. The roots colonization by rot pathogens without showing the symptoms of molding proceeds during the whole vegetative period and these pathogenic organisms are moving into an active state in proper storage conditions, causing gray rot. It is commonly known that gray rot of sugar beet roots is caused by more than 150 fungi species and 20 bacterial species, which development is corrected by various unfavorable factors, first of all — ecological factors. Despite the considerable amount of microorganisms that are involved in the disease development, only a small part of them belongs to the active pathogens of disease. Found that the development of gray rot depends on the weather conditions during the growing season and in storage of sugar beet in clamps. Thus, the excess of the average daily air temperature and moisture deficit during the growing season affects the storage of sugar beet in clamps, because under high temperatures roots lose turgor and phytopathogenic microorganisms can not resist causative agents of rotting roots.
Key words causative agents of gray rot, species composition, sugar beet
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