Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Efficiency of application of fertilizers and limestone ameliorants at growing of corn in the conditions of Western Polissia

Author(s) Polevoy V.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, , Institute of Agriculture Western Polesie
Derkach N. A.,, , , Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya of NAAS
Kulyk S. M., , , Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya of NAAS
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 1
pages 76-82 index UDK 633.15:631.816:631.821.1
Abstract For cultivation of most crops on sod-podzolic soils (the dominant type of soils of Polissia), the most important factors that negatively influence the growth, development and formation of their yield are unsatisfactory agrophysical properties and acidic reaction of soil solution. Field studies were conducted during 2014–2016 on sod-podzolic soil of the stationary field experiment of the Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissia. Our studies have shown that the corn yield for grain varied under the influence of fertilizers and different norms and types of chemical ameliorants. If the liming of the soil is carried out, which allows to improve the nutrition of plants with calcium, the yield of grain increases by 1.66–3.97 t/ha to the background indicator of 5.14 t/ha. That is, due to the chemical melioration of sod-podzolic soils, the corn yield increased by 32.3–77.2 %. At the application of one norm of CaMg (CO3)2 in combination with N120Р90К120 + S40 and the application of microfertilizer yield increased to 8.49 t/ha. In general, the use of sulfur in fertilizer systems and two-time foliar application of microfertilizer of “Nutrivant Plus” cereal increased grain yield of corn by 0.87 t/ha or 11.4 %. The most effective was the application of one and a half norm of dolomite flour against the background of N120P90K120, which contributed to a grain yield of 9.11 t/ha. The increase in grain yield was 4.97 t/ha to control and 3.97 t/ha to the background. The application of one norm of dolomite flour provides grain yield higher by 0.16 t/ha compared with the application of a similar norm of limestone flour as an ameliorant, where the grain yield was 7.46 t/ha. Thus, the presence of magnesium in the amount of dolomite flour contributed to the improvement of plant nutrition conditions with this element and ensured an increase in yields by 2.1 %. According to the calculations of economic efficiency it was established that the use of chemical ameliorants in combination with fertilizers is an economically feasible measure, which allows receiving 11953 UAH/ha of net profit.
Key words limestone ameliorants, norms, fertilizers, yield, corn, economic efficiency.  
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