Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Standing density of mustard plants depends on laboratory and field germination of seeds

Author(s) Миколайко І. І., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 103. Part 1
pages 264-272 index UDK 633.852:631.524
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-103-1-264-272 (Link)
Abstract The purpose of the effect of laboratory germination of mustard seeds on its field germination and plant stand density. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. The results. It was established that the field germination of seeds depended both on laboratory germination and on varietal characteristics. On average, over three years, the seeds of white mustard varieties Oslava and Ariadra had significantly higher laboratory and field germination compared to other varieties and amounted to 89.6 and 93 % and 89 and 94 %, respectively. Much lower laboratory – 87 % and field – 79.1 % seed germination were seeds of Tsarivna Pivnochi black mustard variety. One of the factors affecting the field germination and plant stand density is the laboratory seed germination. With the same rate of seed sowing of 150 thousand pieces/ha and the highest field germination of white mustard varieties Oslava and Ariadna, a significantly higher density of plants of these varieties was obtained, which averaged over three years, respectively – 136.8 thousand/ha and 135, 3 thousand/ha. The lowest density of plants – 123.1 thousand/ha was of black mustard variety Tsarivna Pivnochi, which is due to significantly lower both laboratory germination and field germination of seeds. The study of the factors that influenced the density of plants revealed that the greatest influence was the factor "variety" – 46.6 %, and the factor "growing conditions" – 43.5 %. Conclusions. Field germination of seeds depended on both laboratory germination and varietal characteristics. The higher the laboratory germination, the higher the field germination of the seeds. A strong linear correlation was found between laboratory and field similarity with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.98. It was proved that the density of the plant stand depended on the field germination of the seeds. At the same seed sowing rate of 150,000 seeds/ha, with the highest field germination, a significantly higher plant density was obtained
Key words seed quality, varietal characteristics, correlation coefficient, share of influence of factors
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