Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Yield and quality of spinach and celery depending on the form of hydrogel

Author(s) Ulyanych O.I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of of Vegetable Production, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Didenko I.A., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 93. Part 1
pages 209-221 index UDK 502. 521: 635.1/.8 (477.46)
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-1-209-221 (Link)
Abstract In paper presents, that against the background of contamination by ground radionuclides, it has been established that the level of soil radionuclide contamination does not exceed the allowable norms and in fact is less than 20-100 times compared with 90 years of the XX century. It was investigated that contamination with radionuclides depends on the structure and physical characteristics of the soil, as well as its acidity, sampling depths, and so on. It is proposed to continue the systematic monitoring and control of the level of radioactive contamination of soil, vegetables and potatoes in order to reduce the content of radionuclides. In Ukraine, there is a change in climate to a more droughty and moisture is becoming increasingly noticeable in growing vegetables and spinach, which causes the need for additional irrigation. The spinach and celery, due to the presence of a weak root system in them, is very demanding for water and, in case of its lack of it, is prone to moving and to accumulate in the productive part of harmful elements, including heavy metals, which are then consumed by man. Also, in the absence of moisture during the growing season, the quality of the greenery will be lower. In addition, the constant rise in the cost of energy and water requires the search for ways to save water and energy. The solution of this problem can be the introduction of polymeric substances (hydrogel) into the soil, which can accumulate a significant amount of moisture due to its porosity and then give it to the plants in the required period. In this regard, in Cherkasy region, we conducted three-year studies on the use of various forms of hydrogel for the cultivation of celery petiole. The content of some radionuclides in the soil is determined for the use of various forms of hydrogel in different depths of the soil. The data of biometric parameters of celery and spinach оf the city under the influence of hydrogel in the form of gel, tablets and granules are given. In particular, the height of the plants and the diameter of the peas in the varieties Monarch, Anita and Pascal had a greater effect on granules and gel, while a significant increase in leaf area occurred under the action of tablets and granules. It was established that the use of the gel significantly increased the mass of the overground part of celery petiole plants. The largest commodity yield was obtained for the use of gel: the Anita variety – 43,5 t/ha, more than control at 5,8 t/ha; in the Pascal variety – 39,8 t/ha (+4,6 t/ha); in the Spinach of the Malachite variety – 36.8 t/ha (+4,1 t/ha). Also, the content of some indicators of the chemical composition of commercial green varieties of spinach and celery peas, depending on the use of various forms of hydrogel, is determined. It was established that different forms of hydrogel in the investigated varieties in different ways influenced the change in the indices of biochemical composition of commodity greens.
Key words soil, celery, spinach, hydrogel, yield, quality.
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