Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Allelopathy of vegetable residues on the sowing properties of soft winter wheat grain

Author(s) Hospodarenko G.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2021 issue Issue number 98. Part 1
pages 246-254 index UDK 581.524.13:[631.53.01:633.111]
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-1-246-254 (Link)
Abstract Aim. To study the allelopathy of vegetable residues on sowing properties of soft wheat grain. Methods. Laboratory, mathematical and statistical, physical. Results. The highest germination energy was obtained in the variant with water, corn and wheat stalks – 100%, percentage germination was 95%. Under conditions of germination in rye, rape and oat stalks, percentage germination was 15–30 % points lower compared to the control. Germination of soft wheat grain in the stalks of other crops provided percentage germination of 15–50 %. Obviously, soybeans, sunflowers, mustard, peas, barley, flax, safflower, buckwheat and sorghum show high allelopathy during the germination of soft wheat grain. The highest seedling vigor was obtained during germination in water and in corn stalks – 50 %. This figure in wheat and rye stalks was 33 and 28 %, respectively, or 17–22 points lower than the control. During the germination of soft wheat grain in the stalks of other crops, the seedling vigor was the lowest – 8–22 %. The average germination rate varied inversely proportional to seedling vigor. On average, wheat grain in corn stalks germinated for 29 minutes which was at the control level. During germination in wheat and rye stalks, it grew for up to 43–58 minutes. During germination in the stalks of other crops, the average speed increased to 72–288 minutes. Different germination substrates changed the parameters of soft wheat stalks. This indicator was at the level of control over grain germination in rye and corn stalks – 9.2–9.3 cm with fluctuations from 8.1 to 10.3–10.4 cm, and the variation coefficient was small (V = 12.0–12.5 %). The stalk length was significantly shorter during germination in wheat stalks, but the variation coefficient was insignificant (V = 5.2 %). During germination in the stalks of other crops, the stalk length decreased from 7.3 to 0.6 cm. Coclusions. Germination of wheat grain in corn and wheat stalks did not affect the deterioration of germination. The lowest allelopathy was shown by grain germination in rye stalks. The highest allelopathy was shown by germination in soybean and sunflower stalks. Crops, according to the influence on the length of soft wheat stalk, are arranged in the following order: sunflower, buckwheat, sorghum, safflower, soybean, mustard, flax, oats, rape, barley, peas, wheat. Grain germination in corn and rye stalks did not affect the length of soft wheat stalks
Key words allelopathy, soft wheat, germination energy, germination, seedling vigor, stalk length
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