Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Performance of the differences of energy issues in soil – climatic conditions of western forest steps

Author(s) Shevchuk R., candidat of agricultural science, , Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya
Shevchuk Н., , , Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya of NAAS
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 1
pages 298-306 index UDK 620.952:631.81
Abstract The development of bioenergy is very important in reducing the energy dependence of Ukraine. Today, the volume of biomass production as the fuel is the fourth largest in the world. Its share in the total production of primary energy reaches 10 %. The purpose of our research was to compare the performance of shrubbery, which can be used for plantation cultivation on solid biofuels. The research was conducted within 2013–2015. At the experimental base of the Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya of NAAS. The soil cover of the experimental plot was presented by dark gray soils and soils. Weather conditions during the 2013–2015 period of research have generally proved to be favorable for the growth and development of energy willows. In the experiment, we studied the yield of 7 species (Salix sachalinensis, Salix triandra, Salix acutifolia, Salix viminalis, Salix caspian, Salix purpurea, Salix local). Among the planted species, the most productive was the Salix sachalinensis. For three years of cultivation, the average yield of this species was 15,3 t/ha of dry weight. According to the yield of solid biofuels from the collected mass was also high and amounted to 16,8 t/ha, which is equivalent to 269 MJ/ha of energy. The lowest productivity indicators among planted shoots were obtained for the cultivation of a local species of willow from the floodplain of the Gorin river. This willow yielded the highest dry matter yield of 9,5 t/ha, and consequently, the yield of solid biofuels was also small among the variants that were studied in the experiment and amounted to 10,5 t/ha. The energy output from the collected biomass was also small and amounted to 168 MJ/ha. In carrying out studies to determine the yield of various species, it was found that the moisture content of Salix sachalinensis, , Salix triandra, Salix acutifolia, Salix viminalis, Salix caspian and the Salix purpurean, islands was about the same and an average of 41,7% in the three years. While moisture content in the collected biomass of the local species of willow was 52,4 %, which explains the low yield of absolutely dry mass. The results of biometric analyzes indicate that among the variants of the willows, which studied, high (435 cm) were Salix sachalinensis plants. Also, plants of this species formed the largest number of shoots 29 pcs/m. Thus, the most promising kind of willow for plantation growing on solid biofuels is Salix sachalinensi), since this species produces the highest dry matter yield of 15,3 t/ha and provides the highest yield of dry fuel of 16,8 t/ha and 269 MJ/ha of energy in comparison with other species.
Key words dry weight, biofuel, energy willow, productivity, energy
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