Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Weed infestation of winter pea crops under the action of herbicides, plant growth regulators and microbial preparations

Author(s) Карпенко В.П., , ,
Prytulyak R.M., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Associate Professor of Department of Biology, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Бойко Я. О., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2020 issue Issue number 97. Part 1
pages 171-180 index UDK 632.51:[633.35:661.162.2:661.162.66:631.847.211]
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2020-97-1-171-180 (Link)
Abstract Weed infestation of agricultural crops in Ukraine is growing and is becoming a big threat to stable and high yields. Therefore, today, it is impossible to do without the development of science-based measures to control the level of weed infestation in crops, adaptation of herbicides to ecological farming methods and energy-optimized cultivation technologies. The analysis of the results of studies of weediness of winter pea crops at different rates of application of MaxiMox herbicide (0.8; 0.9; 1.0 and 1.1 l/ha) separately and in tank mixtures with plant growth regulator Agriflex Amino at the rate of 1.0 kg/ha on the background of seed treatment before sowing with the microbial preparation Optimize Pulse at the rate of 3.28 l/t, and without treatment is given. Spraying of vegetating plants with herbicide and their tank mixture with a plant growth regulator was carried out in the phase of 3-4 developed runners (BBCH 13–14) of the crop. Weed infestation of winter pea crops was counted on the thirtieth day after plant treatment with preparations. Weeds were counted by the quantitative weight method per 1 m2 according to the method of S. A. Tribel. Statistical processing of the data was carried out according to the generally accepted methods. It has been established that with the combined application of different rates of MaxiMox herbicide with plant growth regulator Agriflex Amino on the background of seed treatment before sowing with the microbial preparation Optimize Pulse, the technical efficiency of weed control increases, both in terms of quantity and weight. The greatest number and weight of destroyed weeds was noted in variants with the introduction of MaxiMox herbicide at the rates of 0.8; 0.9; 1.0 and 1.1 l/ha in combination with plant growth regulator Agriflex Amino at the rate of 1.0 kg/ha on the background of seed treatment with the microbial preparation Optimize Pulse at the rate of 3.28 l/t, where the percentage of destroyed weeds averaged 91–99 % quantitatively and 94–100 % in mass. The increase in the effectiveness of the studied preparations obviously occurred due to the improvement of biometric indices of winter pea plants under the direct action of the plant growth regulator and microbial preparation, which eventually increased the competitiveness of the crop to weeds.
Key words herbicide, weediness infestation of crops, winter pea, microbial preparation, plant growth regulator
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