Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Features of yield formation of soft wheat varieties of different types of development under the conditions of the Southern Steppe

Author(s) Bazalii V.V., , , SHEE "Kherson State Agrarian University"
Boichuk І.V., , , SHEE "Kherson State Agrarian University"
Babenko D.V., , , SHEE "Kherson State Agrarian University"
Category The Agronomy
year 2016 issue 89
pages 236-242 index UDK 633.111; 631.27
Abstract The article presents the results of research on the character of yield formation of typical winter wheat and alternative (spring-winter) type varieties. It proves that for obtaining a stable grain yield in the southern Ukrainian steppe we should use alternative type varieties of wheat (Klarisa, Solomia) of the steppe ecotype both for late sowing dates (October, November) and as an emergency catch crop that compensates for the failure of winter wheat during overwintering. The study shows that in the agronomical context varieties of medium intensity are more environmentally resistant; they are capable of forming not very high but stable yields both under favorable and unfavorable growing conditions. To achieve the combination of desired traits and properties in the same variety only through selection methods is not easy due to a number of negative genetic correlations. Therefore, to solve the problem of environmental sustainability we are to attract varietal agricultural technology, the task of which is the maximum satisfaction of specific requirements of varieties. Alternative type wheat varieties (Zimoiarka, Hutorianka), created for the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, showed a significantly lower yield when sown in late autumn periods as compared to winter wheat varieties and the alternative type of the steppe ecotype. However, spring-autumn variety Hutorianka is more suitable for planting in early spring; when sown on March 10 it exceeded spring wheat variety Nedra in yield by 2.4 c/ha. Thus, the use of the existing varietal composition of wheat adjustable to the specific agronomic conditions and the introduction of alternative type wheat varieties will certainly serve to improve the competitive ability of the crop.
Key words winter wheat, alternative type varieties, yielding capacity.
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