Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025


Author(s) Yakovenko R.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Kopytko P.G., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Яковенко О. В., , ,
Чепурний В. Г., , ,
Nevlad V.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 42-49 index UDK 634.11: 634.13: 631.8
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-42-49 (Link)
Abstract The article presents an analytical review of domestic and foreign researches on changes in the soil nutrient regime in apple and pear plantations under soil fertilisation. The analysis has shown that the establishment and use of highly productive fruit plantations is possible only if the optimal soil fertility parameters are created under them. Mineral nutrition of trees is an extremely important part of plant metabolism, as it determines the growth, development of the plant organism, productivity of plantations and quality of the crop. Changes in the supply of apple and pear plantations with the main macronutrients of soil mineral nutrition contributed to an increase in plantation yields. In fruiting apple and pear plantations, the optimal supply of nitrogen to plants is of great importance for maintaining high productivity of old fruit wood and the growth of new wood, for fruit setting and reducing fruit shedding during the harvest period, and for differentiation of fruit formations. Phosphorus supply to plants is especially important for the normal course of reproductive processes, such as flowering and fruiting, but a lack of phosphorus can also affect the growth processes of the apple tree, even with a normal supply of other elements. Potassium, like nitrogen, is one of the most important nutrients for the development of fruit crops, although it is not chemically bound in organic compounds. It plays an important role in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, activates enzymes and enzyme systems, promotes the use of nitrogen in ammonium form, maintains cell colloids in optimal physical condition, and increases plant resistance to tissue dehydration under adverse environmental factors (drought, low temperatures). Therefore, the issue of maintaining the optimal level of soil nutrition under fruit plantations is relevant and requires further study and scientific explanation of the development and application of an optimised soil fertilisation system.
Key words soil nutrient regime, nutrients, plant productivity, apple, pear, fertiliser.
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