Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Dynamics of mineralization processes in the root zone of corn using different fertilizer systems

Author(s) Малиновська І. М., , ,
Карпенко В.П., , ,
Leontiuk I.B., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 1
pages 8-19 index UDK 631.95:576.8:632.125
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-1-8-19 (Link)
Abstract The aim of the work was to study microbiological processes in the root zone of corn using different fertilization systems: mineral, organic and organo-mineral. Methods: microbiological, laboratory-analytical, statistical. The results. It was established that the consumption of soil organic matter increases from the phase of the third leaf to the flowering phase by 1.86–2.84 times, depending on the fertilization system, and then the growth stops. For some fertilization systems (organic with plowing of straw, organo-mineral with plowing of wheat straw and application of fertilizers in a dose of N40Р30К40), the pedotrophicity index has a maximum value already in the period of the first observation and subsequently decreases significantly. The coefficient of oligotrophy increases sharply (especially in the control) from the phase of the third leaf to the flowering phase, and much more slowly - to the milk ripeness phase. The processes of mineralization-immobilization of nitrogen compounds take place in the variants of the control, organo-mineral and organic fertilization system in the time interval between the first observation periods with increased intensity, and in the variants of the mineral, organic fertilization system + wheat straw and the organo-mineral fertilization system + straw + fertilizers in a dose of N40Р30К40 – with a decrease in intensity by 1.5–2.26 times. In the phase of milk ripeness, a decrease in the mineralization coefficient of nitrogen compounds is observed for all fertilization options. The activity of humus mineralization in the control and organo-mineral fertilization system with a single dose of fertilizers increases from the phase of the third leaf to the flowering phase by 12.0 and 6.8 %, to the milk ripeness phase by 26.1 and 18.0 %, respectively. With other fertilizer options, the activity of humus destruction fluctuates by 2–3 %, but no clear dynamics were detected during the observation period. Changes in the total biological activity during the growing season are of a general nature: they increase intensively (by 59.0–95.3 %) from the phase of the third leaf to the flowering phase of the panicle, and much more slowly – to the phase of milk ripeness. The reduction of phytotoxicity in the period from the first to the second observation depends on the fertilization system: by 27.1 % – in the version without fertilizers, 15.7 – under the organo-mineral fertilization system with a single dose of fertilizers, 19.8 – under the organic fertilization system, by 15.8 % – for the organic fertilizer system + wheat straw. Phytotoxicity of the soil decreases by approximately the same amount in the phase of milk ripeness under all fertilization options. Conclusion: the dynamics of mineralization processes in the root zone of corn plants depends on the intensity of plant growth and the fertilizer system used.
Key words : index of pedotrophicity, oligotrophicity, coefficient of mineralization of nitrogen compounds, mineralization activity of humus, phytotoxicity, total biological activity, mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer
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