Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Cherry winter hardiness depending on the type of vegetative rootstock

Author(s) Ларіонов О. В., , ,
Zamorskyi V.V., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Zamorska I.L., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Новак Л. Л., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2024 issue Issue 105 part 1
pages 287-293 index UDK 634.11:634.1-15:634.1.055:634.1.076
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-105-1-287-293 (Link)
Abstract The sweet cherry trees were planted in 2014 with a row spacing of 4.5 m and a row spacing of 2 m. The variety Vasilina was grown on three types of rootstocks: Gisela-5, VSL and Colt. The experiment was replicated three times. The experiment was placed by the systematic method. The soil content is black steam. The fertilisation system corresponds to the generally accepted technology. Field, laboratory and mathematical statistics methods were used in the research. Phytometric observations were made according to known methods. To determine the level of winter hardiness of sweet cherries, special studies were conducted according to the author's methodology of Professor V. V. Zamorsky. Analysis of the nature of damage to annual shoots of sweet cherry variety Vasilina showed that the most vulnerable to low temperatures in the spring were plants on rootstock Gisela – 5. The microphotograph gives a clear picture of the damage. These were cells of the phyllogeny, which is part of the periderm (bark) of the shoot and the xylem, the central part of the stem. We found a slight degree of low temperature damage in the sweet cherry variety Vasilina when grown on the rootstock VSL-2. Damage by low temperatures to annual shoots, as a result, reduces the conduct of water and dissolved mineral elements from the root system to the top. Thus, on the depicted annual shoots, drying of the formed ovary with its subsequent reduction was noted.To a lesser extent, unfavourable low temperatures caused damage to sweet cherries when grown on Colt rootstock, especially in the xylem zone. Thus, in the conditions of temperate continental climate of the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine in some unfavourable winter-spring periods, minor damage to annual shoots of sweet cherry was observed during cultivation on vegetative rootstocks, which can reduce the productivity of plantations.
Key words sweet cherries, rootstocks, winter hardiness
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