Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Yield and quality of sugar beet root crops after a long-term use of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizer systems in a field crop rotation

Author(s) Novak Y.W., Candidate of Agricultural Science, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Martynyuk A.T., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Novak V.G., , , Уманський національний університет садівництва
Category The Agronomy
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 1
pages 191-198 index UDK 631.8:633.63
Abstract Results of five-year studies on the effect of various fertilizer systems on the formation of yield and quality of sugar beet roots in podzolized chernozem after their long-term (53 years) application in a field crop rotation are given. After saturation of the rotation with mineral fertilizers in a single dose (N45P45K45) yield of sugar beet was on average 43,0 t/ha for five years which exceeded the check variant by 9,1 t/ha. In variants with application of mineral fertilizers for sugar beets at doses of N135P135K135 and N180P180K180 in double (N90P90K90) and triple (N135P135K135) saturation of the crop rotation, the yields of root crops were 48,7 and 51,9 t/ha, respectively. Application of organic and mineral fertilizer system in comparison with a mineral one made it possible to obtain higher yield of root crops, even when fertilizer elements supplied with fertilizers were equal. At the same time, the highest yield of sugar beets was obtained in the variant of manure 45 t/ha + N90P202K45 which on average for five years was 52,9 t/ha. The lowest sugar content of sugar beet root crops was using mineral fertilizer system which on average for five years amounted to 18,0, 17,8 and 17,5 %, respectively, after application of N45P45K45, N90P90K90 and N135P135K135 per 1 ha of the crop rotation area. After the direct application of mineral fertilizers in the amount of N90P90K90, N135P135K135 and N180P180K180 on average, over the years of research, increased the yield of estimated sugar output by 1,53, 2,46 and 2,87 t/ha, respectively. The highest sugar output was after application of organic and mineral fertilizer system with a maximum value in the variant of manure 45 t/ha + N90P202K45 (9,34 t/ha).
Key words sugar beet, mineral fertilizers, manure, yield, sugar content, sugar output.
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