Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

The effect of vine training system on parameters of grape phenolic complex

Author(s) Tkachenko O. B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, ,
Pashkovskiy O. I., , ,
Tarasova V. V., , ,
Category The Agronomy
year 2019 issue Issue number 94. Part 1
pages 134-147 index UDK 634.836:631.542:547.56
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2019-94-1-134-147 (Link)
Abstract In recent decades, Ukrainian grape assortment has been replenished with new technical varieties of breeding NSC «IV&V n. a. V. Ye. Tairov». However, the existing viticultural technology does not allow to fully realize their technological potential. Thus, the study of varietal viticulture practices, taking into account grape quality indicators, is relevant. The purpose of this work was to investigate the influence of vine training system on phenolic complex of grape varieties Aromatnyi and Zagrey. To achieve this goal, following tasks were set: 1) to study the accumulation of phenolic substances; 2) to study the activity of the oxidase system (MPMO) of grapes. Experimental design included four training systems: 1) bilateral horizontal cordon on 80 cmheight trunk/vertical shoot positioning (control); 2) bilateral horizontal cordon on 40 cmheight trunk/vertical shoot positioning; 3) bilateral horizontal cordon on 120 cmheight trunk/nonpositioned shoots; 4) monolateral horizontal cordon on 160 cmheight trunk/nonpositioned shoots. Vine planting density for Aromatnyi variety was 3x1,5 m and for Zagrey  3x1, 3x1,5 m. After harvest, technological reserve, mass concentration of phenolic substances in must, proportion of polymeric forms in the total amount of substances, absolute and relative activity of the oxidative system (MPMO) of grapes were determined individually for each variant. . Significant influence of vine training system on the accumulation of phenolic substances in berries was determined. Increasing the concentration of phenolic substances, as well as the proportion of their polymeric forms in Aromatnyi grapes, was recorded for 40 cmheight and 120 cmheight training systems. The same was recorded for Zagrey variety for 40 cmheight training system. Significant effect of studied viticulture practice was also revealed in relation to the activity of the oxidase system of grapes. The lowest absolute and relative activity of MPMO and, accordingly, the potential of grape phenol complex to oxidation, was noted for samples of Aromatnyi variety, obtained from 40 cmheight and 120 cmheight vines. For Zagrey variety, the lowest relative activity and potential for oxidation of phenolic substances were noted for samples of grapes, obtained from 40 cmheight vines.
Key words training system, Aromatnyi, Zagrey, quality, phenol complex, oxidase activity
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