Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Physical properties of grain and protein-proteinase complex of spring triticale under different nitrogen fertilizer doses

Author(s) Lubych V.V., Candidate of Agricultural Science, Lecturer of Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Grain, Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category The Agronomy
year 2023 issue Issue number 102. Part 1
pages 142-154 index UDK 664.64.016.8+577.112:[633.19:631.84
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-1-142-154 (Link)
Abstract Introduction. Modern triticale varieties have higher yields and better adaptation to unfavourable environmental factors than wheat. One of the most important measures to increase spring triticale grain production is the application of nitrogen fertilizers. Earlier research has proven that the effectiveness of fertilizer application depends on a number of factors, which requires additional research. The goal is to determine the formation of physical properties and protein-proteinase complex of spring triticale grain under different doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Methods. Field, laboratory, measuring, calculation-comparative, analysis, statistical. Results. The article highlights the formation of physical properties (vitreousness, grain-unit), protein content and its fractions, gluten content and its properties (deformation index, hydration properties) under different doses of nitrogen fertilizers. It was established that the application of nitrogen fertilizers reliably affects the formation of grain physical parameters and protein-proteinase complex. Over the years of research, spring triticale grain had a vitreous endosperm consistency, as the vitreousness quality was higher than 70 %. The use of nitrogen fertilizers increased it to 88–97 % or by 2–13 % compared to the variant without fertilizers according to the stability index of 0.94–0.98. The application of 30–60 kg/ha of active ingredient of nitrogen fertilizers increased protein content from 13.7 to 13.8–14.0 % or by 1–2 %. With nitrogen fertilizer introduction of 90–210 kg/ha per year, the protein content increased to 14.6–15.6 % or by 7–14 %. Conclusions. Improvement of spring triticale nitrogen nutrition affects physical parameters of grain quality and protein-proteinase complex. The level of influence on the studied parameters depends on the dose and weather conditions of the research year. Thus, the application of nitrogen fertilizers increases the vitreousness up to 88–97 % or by 2–13 % compared to the variant without fertilizers at the stability index of 0.94–0.98. In the more favorable year of 2008, grain vitreousness is 3–5 % higher compared to 2009. The grain-unit is 690–701 g/l depending on the fertilizer. The protein and gluten content of spring triticale depends on the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Application of small doses (30–60 kg/ha per year) does not reliably affect these parameters. The use of N90–210 increases the protein content to 14.1–16.6 %, the gluten content to 22.5–29.8 %, depending on the weather conditions of the research year. The gluten deformation index of spring triticale is 67–74 units of VDK instrument. The content of gluten-forming proteins increases from 7.9 % in unfertilized areas to 10.1% with the application of nitrogen fertilizers, and the content of salt- and water-soluble proteins – from 5.0 to 5.8 %. The ratio of gluten to protein on average over two years of research increases from 1.37 in the variant without fertilizers to 1.48–1.78 with the application of nitrogen fertilizers.
Key words spring triticale, vitreousness, grain-unit, protein content, gluten content, protein fractions, gluten deformation index, gluten hydration properties, nitrogen fertilizers
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