Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Current state and development trends of the system of insurance of agricultural crops in Ukraine

Author(s) Prokopchuk O.T., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2017 issue Issue № 91. Part 2
pages 86-100 index UDK 368:368.54(477)
Abstract Agriculture in Ukraine in general and the crop sector, in particular, is one of the most risky activities, because it is carried out in unpredictable and unregulated natural and climatic conditions. An effective market tool for its support and ensuring the continuity of the reproduction process is insurance of agricultural crops, which, compensating for the losses incurred, allows to stabilize production, ensure the financial stability of farms and, consequently, the stability of the entire economic system, creates the conditions for achieving a certain level of food security of the state. In this paper, a study of general trends in the development of the insurance system of agricultural crops in Ukraine during the period 2006-2016 was carried out using economic and statistical research methods, in particular monographic, comparison, tabular, graphical and scientific generalization. (With an emphasis on the situation in 2016 underwriting year), as well as insurance products and programs for insurance of crop yields offered in the Ukrainian insurance market and key indicators of crop insurance. According to the results of the study, there has been some recovery in the agro-insurance market (in 2016) in general and crop insurance systems, in particular, as well as improving their quality characteristics. A study of the current state and general trends in the development of the agricultural insurance system made it possible to draw the following conclusions: in 2016 there was a significant increase in the volume of collected insurance premiums and the average premium rate; the level of payments in 2016 is lower than in comparison with 2015. It is established that, as before, insurance contracts from the total death for the winter period and insurance contracts from the named risks dominated among insurance products on the market - for the spring-summer period. At the same time, a significant percentage of contracts concluded for the spring-summer period are multi-risk insurance (insurance of future crop and crop insurance before harvesting).
Key words agricultural insurance, crop insurance, insurance contract, insurance amount, insurance premium, insurance product, state support
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