Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Innovative methods of personnel management at enterprises

Author(s) Кустріч Л. О., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 100. Part 2
pages 250-262 index UDK 338.512
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-250-262 (Link)
Abstract The topic of personnel management is relevant, since the transition to innovative personnel management is currently a global trend of improving enterprise management processes in the context of deep integration of the world market, high-tech industries, increased competition and increasing the degree of uncertainty of the environment external to the enterprise. The article is aimed at analyzing innovative methods of personnel management at Ukrainian enterprises, taking into account the feasibility and specifics of introducing innovations in labor activity in each of the main subsystems of personnel management, as well as studying foreign experience in the field of personnel management and considering the possibility of its application in Ukrainian realities. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were domestic and foreign works of leading scientists and practitioners in the field of personnel management. One of the most important aspects of the successful operation of the enterprise is the creation of an effective personnel management system. The management activities of an organization are always based on principles, methods and forms of management that provide an impact on human interests through economic, psychological or administrative management. Methods of personnel management in companies from different countries differ significantly from each other, which is explained by cultural features that affect all spheres of life. The most common models of personnel management are Western, Eastern, European and post-Soviet. As for Ukraine, it can be noted that in our country the approach to personnel management combines various features of individual management methods characteristic of other states. The functioning of the enterprise is always associated with many factors, but the main one is personnel management. Effective principles of production organization and optimal systems, as well as their levers, have a great influence on the formation of the success of the enterprise. But to do this, the personnel of the enterprise must have certain qualities, namely: knowledge, competence, qualifications, discipline, creative approaches, the ability to solve various kinds of tasks, susceptibility to information. The personnel management system in terms of the possibility of widespread innovation in labor activity allows us to formulate the main goal of an innovative personnel management system: ensuring a modern organization that constantly generates innovations in all aspects of its activities, their effective use by creating conditions for their implementation, professional and social development of personnel for the benefit of employees themselves, organization and society.
Key words innovation, personnel management, personnel management system, management planning, personnel development, motivation and stimulation of personnel
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