Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

The genesis of scientific views on the concept of "the human capital" in the economic theory

Author(s) Kravchenko T.O., Postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 261-269 index UDK 167:330.14:330.8
Abstract This article analyzes the development of the human capital theory by studying scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists. Researches are conducted by means of dialectical and abstract- logic methods. Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the economic concept of "the human capital" are given. The comparative analysis of the human and productive capital allowed organizing their common features, which resulted in the legitimacy of allocation of such form of capital as human one. The basic features and characteristics of the human capital are considered. It is emphasized that the main condition for efficient reproduction of the human capital is investment process, which aims economic and non-economic goals. The recommendations to clarify the definition of the human capital in terms of socio-economic transformation society are given. The author suggests the definition of this notion as a stock of congenital, generated, accumulated and developed in humans by investing intellectual and creative abilities, personal physiological characteristics, knowledge, skills and experience, health, motivation, which intentionally used in the cost- and economic activity in order to increase owner income, company profits and internal revenue of the state, to meet their non-economic needs. It is indicated that the creative component has a significant impact on the role of the human capital in industrial relations.
Key words theory of human capital, human capital, productive capital, stock, investment.
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