Uman NUH | today: 01/04/2025

Business plan as a tool for planning and management of the economic activities of the enterprise

Author(s) Novak I., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
А. А. ОСІПОВА, , ,
Pitel N. Y., PhD in Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Альошкіна Л. П., , ,
Бондарчук М. І., , ,
Category Economics
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 2
pages 182-190 index UDK 338.2
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-182-190 (Link)
Abstract The article explores the significance of a business plan as a tool for planning and managing the activities of an economic entity. Currently, Ukrainian enterprises operate in a complex economic environment where frequent changes in legislation, fluctuations in exchange rates, and political instability can significantly affect their operations. In such conditions, a business plan serves as a tool that allows economic entities to adapt to external challenges by operating with action scenarios for various situations and maintaining resilience. The article employs observation methods (of planning and management processes in enterprises), quantitative analysis, and graphical visualization (regarding the function of business planning, depending on the company's management level and its use as a tool for planning and managing the economic activities of the enterprise), as well as synthesis (systematizing and integrating diverse data obtained from various sources to form a comprehensive understanding of the research subject). The business planning process is crucial at all levels of management and depends on the management hierarchy, meaning that the main principles of planning are determined by the top management of the company. We have identified how the contribution to the development and implementation of a business plan is formed, depending on the management level of the company. The main stages of the application process of the business plan as a tool for planning and managing the economic activities of the enterprise are presented. Existing types of programs in Ukraine that allow attracting funds for business development from both the government and private investors have been analyzed. A particular feature of these programs is that entrepreneurs must prepare a well-founded and transparent business plan to qualify for a grant, confirming its relevance as a tool for planning and managing the economic activities of the enterprise. The growing need for training and development of business planning skills among entrepreneurs is identified. The importance of the business plan as the main tool through which businesses can attract grants and investments is substantiated.
Key words business plan, tool, planning, management, grant, business
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