Uman NUH | today: 01/13/2025

Theroleof financial policy in the management system of the current assets of agrarian sector business entities

Author(s) Bechko P.K., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lysa N.V., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Popychenko D.A., postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2017 issue Issue № 91. Part 2
pages 53-65 index UDK 631.16:658.153
Abstract Current assets management of agricultural production is a part of financial management, since the size, structure and speed of current assets circulation influence the basic economic indexesof anenterprise to a large extent. Effective and active financial policy has a great influence on the current assetsmanagement, thusthe disadvantages of this policy negatively affect the financial performance of the enterprises of the agrarian sector of national economy. The aim and objective of the article is to study and assess the impact of the company financial policy formation on themechanism of the current assets management in order to ensure financial stability and solvency of the enterprise. In the process of researchsuch methods and methodical approaches were used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis; analogy and extrapolation, modelling, observation, abstraction and generalization; interpretation, system and retrospective analysis, observation, grouping, standardization, and research results correlation. he most effective policy in modern conditions of economicentitiesmanagement of theagrariansectoris to create a structure of current assets that can ensure their financial stability and solvency, significantly affect the profitability of current assets, their material consumption and the duration of their circulation. To achieve this, a conceptual approach should be applied to the formation of an effective asset management policy based on the use of a trade-off between risk and return, the current assets structure, as well as the methods of system analysis, planning, and their rationing. It will ensure coordination and consistency of current assets and sources of their financing from the marketing, accounting, supplying services of economic entities that can provide financial stability as the main factor of an effective policy of current assets management. A systematic approach to the financial policy of current assetsmanagement on the basis of their normalization, planning, operational control over their targeted and efficient use will significantly improve the efficiency of current assets use, ensure financial stability, solvency of economic entities, their access to bank loans as an alternative source of financing.
Key words current assets, financial policy, sources of financing, financial stability, solvency.
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