Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Motivation and stimulation of the labour activity of employees of agrarian companies by managers

Author(s) Khrypun V.M., , , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 282-289 index UDK 331.101.3 – 057.212:331.105.24:631.145
Abstract Questions, connected with the intensification of the labour activity of the workers, play an important role in the professional activity of the agricultural manager, but the main are problems of motivation and stimulation of their labour. Abraham Maslow, David McClelland, Douglas McGregor, Frederick Herzberg, V. Vrum, S, Adams, Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky made a contribution into the process of investigation of the essential parts of the motive and stimulus, their characteristic features. Modern market relations in agriculture and developments of different kinds of management require a further and profound study of the problem. Much attention must be paid to the specific features of the motive and stimulus, to the ways of their introduction in the agrarian sphere. The aim of the research is to study the peculiar characteristics of the motivation and stimulation of the labour activity of the agricultural staff. Our tasks are: - to clear up the essence of the notions "a motive", "a stimulus"; - to analyze the motivational theories; - to study the influence of factors on the improvement of the labour activity of firms employees; - to give useful pieces of advice for the managerial staff. Theoretical-methodological basis of the investigation are the works of foreign and national scientists, the system and complex approaches to the solving of difficult questions, comparison, observation, questionnaire, summarizing. The investigation stresses on the most important role of the factors, connected with the professional activity of the workers of the agrarian firms. Wages, rewards, a good collective, a competentive leader, having a family are the main motivatiors of the workers’ labour. Demotivatiors are low salary, absence of rewards, an incompetent leader, injustice, bad organization of the work. Social, psychological and moral factors have a great influence too. But they aren’t taken into consideration to the full by the chiefs of the agricultural firms.
Key words a motive, a stimulus, motivation theories, agricultural (industrial), social, psychological and moral factors.
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