Uman NUH | today: 01/09/2025

Sources of investment resources and funding for socio-economic development of rural areas of Cherkasy region.

Author(s) Prylipko S.M., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #85
pages 137-148 index UDK 330.322.1:316.42:330.34
Abstract Development of rural areas is impossible without the implementation of programs of socio-economic development. The purpose of the research is to systematize the structure of the regional target program “Village of Cherkasy region – 2020”, the analysis of the sources of budget of village and settlement councils, characteristics of separately adopted regional programs of development in rural areas, which are included in the Rural Development Program, identifying problems and finding ways to finance their decisions at the state level. In the article such research methods were used as abstract-logical, economic-statistical, comparative analysis and synthesis, as well as a systematic approach to problem solving. The bulk of the revenue budgets of local government are formed by payment for land, fixed agricultural tax, single tax for small businesses, sale of land plots concerning lands of communal ownership, proceeds from social agreements with farmers. During 2011 – 2013 budgets of village and settlement councils of Cherkasy region received actual revenues totaling 132.2 million UAH, or 14.5% more than it was provided under the plan. By combining regional programs program “Village of Cherkasy region – 2020” provides an opportunity to have purposeful funding of socio-economic development of rural areas. Main directions of investment financing are the development of the economic base, improving the quality of life, development of social infrastructure and development of utilities. A significant portion of the costs is carried out due to substantial funds from the state and regional budgets. However, in recent years, not all programs and activities were funded in full. Separately at the legislative level social agreements with farmers, carrying out of administrative and territorial reform aimed at power decentralizing, expanding managerial and administrative functions of local governments with respect to the formation and distribution of local budgets should be improved.
Key words rural areas, sources of investment, state budget, local budget, program of socio-economic development, decentralization of power
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