Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Measures to encourage internal pork consumption in Ukraine

Author(s) Соколюк С. Ю., , ,
Zharun E. V., PhD in Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Коротєєв М. А., , ,
Tupchiy O.S., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Соколюк К. Ю., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 100. Part 2
pages 132-141 index UDK 311:338.439.6:637.52(477)
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-132-141 (Link)
Abstract The article analyzes the current state of consumption of meat and meat products in Ukraine, identifies the main changes in demand and supply of meat. The volumes of production and consumption of meat and meat products per capita in Ukraine were studied; the presence and density of the relationship between supply and demand of meat in general and by species were identified. Four basic theses are proposed, which can be voiced in the context of consideration of possible measures to stimulate domestic meat consumption in Ukraine. Among the important factors of society's activity is the provision of its wholesome food. Meat is one of the most important foods in human nutrition. It is the main source of essential animal protein for the human body. Accordingly, the development of man and the structural components of his resource potential is largely determined by the level of consumption of meat and meat products in accordance with the needs of the body according to scientifically sound standards, rational species structure, range. The volumes of consumption of meat and meat products per capita in Ukraine are analyzed, to identify the presence and density of the relationship between supply and demand of meat in general and by species, to determine the variation of the result from the factors influencing it. Moderate price increases allowed the domestic market to absorb more domestic and imported pork. On the other hand, the most active supply of this type of meat to some extent restrained the rise in price of pork for the final consumer. At the same time, this reaffirmed the thesis that Ukrainians are willing to increase the amount of pork in the diet if possible, and the forecasts of experts of the relevant ministry give hope for relatively stable demand for this type of meat in 2022. The level of change in the consumption of meat and meat products is most influenced by the size of the average monthly wage, production and imports. Thus, the growth of citizens' incomes is an important factor in increasing product consumption. It also needs to intensify the development of the livestock industry. The targeted food aid mechanism is one of the most effective in ensuring food security – the example of the United States. A country wishing to apply this mechanism should be aware of the need for significant budget allocations against the background of a clear understanding of the portrait of potential recipients and clear implementation algorithms. In addition to the social effect, this program is an effective tool to support the agricultural sector, in fact, subsidized guaranteed additional demand.
Key words meat consumption, meat production and meat products, meat market, food security, stimulating the internal consumption of meat.
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