Uman NUH | today: 01/03/2025

The methodological research issues related to the world agrifood markets

Author(s) Shkolnyi O.O., Doctor of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 82. Part 2
pages 191-197 index UDK 001.890:339.9+338.43
Abstract The instability of the agricultural commodities supply in the world markets, price fluctuation, changes in agricultural policies and the necessity of identification of demand parameters on the target marketing segments require the improvements in the market intelligence system in respect to the global agrifood products market. Particularly there is a need for more comprehensive study of problems related to the methodology and research instruments. Synthesis and analysis were used as the research methods during the study. The author identified the most important drivers, which influence the global agriculture and food industry. Price fluctuations as the result of financial shocks demonstrated that the regulatory mechanisms were unable to support price stability. The current research methodology and research methods do not correspond to the dynamics and trends of the global market. The state of the agrifood markets can be evaluated on the basis of volume, value, and structural indices. Intensity of international trade and efficiency of foreign international transactions ratios can be used as well. However the global market dynamism requires the new research approaches and tools that necessitate some changes in epistemological principles of research methodologies. The new methodological principles can support the higher level of efficiency for regulatory programs relative to the state and global levels. Industrial organization, institutional, functional, and system analysis approaches should be taken as the basis for research methodology in relation to the world market of food and agricultural products.
Key words global agrifood markets, epistemology, methodology and methodological principles.
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