Uman NUH | today: 01/03/2025

Innovative no-till technology in agriculture as a basis for improving the efficiency of agricultural production

Author(s) Marynyuk A.Yu., Postgraduate, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 219-227 index UDK 33.338.432
Abstract The development of the modern civilized society is based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The evidence of it is the close connection between science and production, which is presented in the scheme: "Science — Technics — Technologies — Production ". This is a complex process of development and improvement of tools, technologies and organization of production. It covers all aspects of social activities and its aim is increasing of its efficiency. In the indicated situation problems of determining effectiveness of innovation product introduction in agriculture are urgent. The goal of the article is the development of science-based suggestions for the implementation, development and optimization of zero tillage “No-till” in Ukraine and abroad. The methodological basis of the conducted research includes economic theory, domestic and foreign scientists’ works in the questions of implementation, development and optimization of zero tillage “No-till” in Ukraine and abroad. Recently, many farmers try to implement technology that has been successfully established abroad. Zero tillage system, also known as No-till, is a modern system of agriculture, which involves giving up plowing of land, planting over stubble, the use of cover crops and competent use of crop rotation. So No-till technology allows to increase productivity faster in three- five times, reduce labor costs in 1.6 times, technology — 1.5, fuel — 2.2 times. Reduce of total cost of production in Western countries could reach 12%. A lot of producers offer farmers to use GPS-equipment to draw maps of yields and soil fertility. With its help it is possible to carry out a structural analysis of soil, to give information about differentiated fertilization. It is estimated that the average expected economic effect in the application of parallel driving is 287000 UAH per year. The cost of the purchase and implementation of the parallel driving are differentiated depending on the producer, and is in the cost range from 14 to 23 thousand UAH. Considering the importance of introduction the zero technology in our country, the state should encourage the implementation and development by supporting those who are seriously engaged in No-till technology, to provide subsidies for the purchase of herbicides of continuous action, for purchase of necessary equipment for this technology, to provide scientific support, and others. The annual state grant for farmers is 2.4 billion USD. Spending the money on the introduction of new and efficient technologies in the future, Ukraine would abandon any grants in agriculture.
Key words innovation, production efficiency, zero technology, innovative activities, modernization, minimum technology, productivity.
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