Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

The role of marketing management in the prospective development of domestic banking institutions

Author(s) Bechko P.K., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Ptashnyk S., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Мельник К. М., , ,
Шеін В. В., , ,
Category Economics
year 2024 issue Issue number 104. Part 2
pages 28-35 index UDK 336.71:005.21
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2024-104-2-28-35 (Link)
Abstract The article examines the main trends and peculiarities of marketing management in the prospective development of domestic banking institutions. Based on the analysis of scientific and economic literature, the concepts of banking product and banking service are summarized. Domestic banking marketing under modern conditions is aimed at establishing relationships between the features and capabilities of an individual banking institution with customers in the target market and ensuring that it achieves its main commercial goal through the most complete satisfaction of identified customer needs. At the same time, banking marketing has significant differences from marketing in other branches of the national economy and economic life, which is caused by the special economic role of banking and its special place in the system of economic relations and the process of social reproduction. It was found that the modern development strategy of banks can be represented by two segments: development and market conquest. Thus, the marketing mix of a modern commercial bank can be presented in the form of an extended version: product, price, communications, distribution channels, contact personnel, material environment, other consumers (personnel; physical assets; people). In order to succeed, the bank must create an efficient market. This market is the market of marketing. services, which allows to win over buyers of these financial products and services, to attract to it economic agents who have the ability to pay for purchases. The marketing plan as part of the business plan is necessary not only for the internal organization of the bank's activities, but is the basis of contacts with both partners and investors. The main components that ensure the development of the marketing services market and the competitiveness of banking products are marketing management based on a strategically presented marketing complex, active marketing, timely development of new models of banking services and high quality customer service.
Key words banking institution, marketing, management, banking products, market of marketing services
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