Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

Current state and development trends of the national grain production

Author(s) Новицький І. В., , ,
Category Economics
year 2018 issue Issue № 93. Part 2
pages 86-98 index UDK 338.43:633.1
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2018-93-2-86-98 (Link)
Abstract The main guideline for Ukraine consists in a regular, systemic and target-oriented export policy with predicted volumes of production and delivery of grain. Advantages of sustainable development of enterprises belonging to food subcomplexes can be implemented under condition that specific features of a current stage in the development of agricultural economy are taken into account. These specific features have an influence on the formation of a comprehensive action of organizational and economic factors. Therefore the objective of our research is to establish specific features of a current stage in the development of a basic industry in cereal products subcomplex – production of grain. Dialectical method as well as recovery and structural aspects of systemic approach to studying economic phenomena make up a methodological background of our research. In our research we applied analytical and synthetic methods, economic and statistical analysis, comparative and abstract-logical methods. We investigated potential opportunities of national agricultural producers as to quantitative and qualitative changes in grain farming in order to increase production volumes and sales of grains. We analyzed the dynamics, structure of grain production and its proportions in the region, evaluated the formation and usage of grain industry potential in Cherkasy region. Current conditions of market economy require improvement of existing system of economic relations among the participants of main production chains by reducing local monopolies of processing, service, and trading enterprises. At the same time, economic conditions of agricultural producers, and grain producers in particular, need careful revision, since they have stabilized the development in the industry under difficult conditions for doing agrarian business according to the results of our research.
Key words grain farming, gross production, yielding capacity, grain products, integration processes
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