Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Information technologies implementation in teaching process as means of education quality increasing

Author(s) Grinchak O.V., Сandidate of technical sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Davletkhanova O.H., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Marin B.M., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2016 issue 88
pages 287-297 index UDK 378: 681.518
Abstract Increasing of education quality is the central problem of educational reforms in Ukraine. Distant education is one of most effective tools of transition to the new higher level of education quality. It is one of the powerful means to reach knowledge economy – the characteristic feature of humanities' contemporaneity. Activities in information and knowledge production, processing, storage and spreading provide most of gross domestic product in this economy. Leading role in this process belongs to the eLearning based on information technology. In developed countries, e-Learning, except for universities, penetrated into all areas and levels of education - from secondary school to corporate and other postgraduate teaching. Ukrainian market of e-Learning components is growing fast as well. More and more universities use elements of distant education, Internet, intranet, computer multimedia and many other information tool building their own teaching technologies. In Ukraine was adopted national conception of distant education system development. Article provides analysis of some terms connected with new teaching tools: distant education, distant learning. It shows advantages of electronic teaching over traditional forms of education. Overwhelming majority of Uman National University of Horticulture (UNUH) students have personal computers connected with Internet in their homes or dormitory rooms on constant basics. The rest can use The Net in Internet cafes and laboratories of university. It creates the prerequisites for IT application in UNUH educational process. University chosen Information system MOODLE for distant education organization in UNUH because (1) it is free of charge and (2) many universities and colleges in the world use this system. It has functionality in accordance with famous five principles of social constructivism. Now UNUH use version 2.3.9 of MOODLE system. Faculty members of the department of economic cybernetics and information systems developed and implemented 21 electronic courses. They provided special MOODLE training course for 60 teachers of other departments. Most of them developed their electronic courses as well. Authors systemize managerial advantages of distant education. Main of them: diversity of teaching tools, significant reduce of printing costs, fast improvement and actualization of teaching materials, individual approach to each student, possibility to include more wide range of potential students (servicemen, disabled people, new mums and dads, prisoners etc.).
Key words quality of education, distant education, educational management, MOODLE.
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