Uman NUH | today: 01/04/2025

Agro holdings and their consequences for the village

Author(s) Dyachenko М.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2018 issue Issue № 92. Part 2
pages 126-135 index UDK 658.114.5:63(1-22)
Abstract The article considers the factors of the emergence of agroholdings and establishes the interrelation of the development of rural territories and the process of agroholding of agricultural enterprises. The basic characteristics, patterns and trends operation of agricultural holdings in Ukraine showed their negative impact on the socio-economic development of rural areas. The opinions of scientists and their negative attitude towards the activity of agricultural holdings in Ukraine are analyzed. The specifics of the activities of agricultural holdings in Ukraine have been explored, their impact on the economy and rural areas in particular has been determined. The weak and strong sides of agricultural enterprises holding type, problems and prospects of their further development are presented. Also, an interesting pattern of different categories of respondents regarding the activity of agroholdings is presented. The basic directions of their creation and organization of their work place in the use of agricultural lands relationship with the state and other forms of agricultural units and their impact on rural development. The methods of increasing state control over the activities of agricultural holdings through land use restrictions, the problem of staffing and promotion of agricultural holdings to participate in the social development of the village. Today, the state must perceive agroholdings as an objective reality and direct their activities in the direction of the current state strategy for the development of rural areas. To improve the efficiency of holding companies it is necessary: to form a legislative base on the regulation of the activities of agroholdings; in order to prevent conflict situations, create a procedure for consideration of proposals, applications, complaints between the management company and to eliminate conflicts between agricultural holdings and local communities regarding payment of taxes should be introduced to clarify the Commercial Code of Ukraine concerning the territorial basis of structural divisions – namely indicate that structural divisions should be placed at the location of the company – a legal entity. All this will allow you to fill the revenue side of local budgets and implement social programs in the countryside.
Key words agroholdings, rural territories, socio-economic development, investments, agro-food market.
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