Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Situation of dairy farming development in Ukraine

Author(s) Butylo R.I., Postgraduate, ,
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 197-203 index UDK 330.131
Abstract The problem of covering of basic human need for food becomes more acute in the modern world today. Especially acute is the question about animal breeding products, including dairy farming. This necessitates the analysis of the evolution of the problem and the development trends of its solution. For this we used the conventional methods of economic research, methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, statistical monitoring, etc. The main result of the development of dairy farming in Ukraine over the past 22 years is that the production does not cover the physiological needs of the population, the number of cows decreased almost in three times, and only since 2012 milk production tended to increase. About 80% of the ukrainian milk is produced by individual farms, has poor quality, which complicates and increases the cost of its processing, minimizes its purchase price and creates barriers for its export, including in the EU. Only the big high-tech complexes produce and deliver milk of extra and first quality, procurement prices of which are above average by one third or more. Besides stability of the supply and quality of their products is significantly higher than that of households which determines their significant marketing advantages. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on support of the development of highly mechanized complexes with significant livestock of high-yield cows which using all elements of modern industrial technologies will be able to produce a lot of standardized products with high quality parameters. At the same time, its cost price will be low, combined with the high price of quality raw materials, which are willing to pay the processing enterprises, increases profitability, and as a consequence — a commercial interest in the industry. As a result, the degree of satisfaction of the interests of both producers and processors of raw materials, and the public in general will be improved.
Key words covering the physiological norms of consumption, dairy farming, production dynamics, product quality.
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