Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Digital Transformation of the Insurance Market of Ukraine

Author(s) Prokopchuk O.T., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Ulyanych Y.V., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Мирошниченко М. М., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 101. Part 2
pages 152-164 index UDK 368: 339
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-152-164 (Link)
Abstract Modern business conditions require the use of new technologies, in particular digital technologies, and the development of the latter is gaining more and more importance and leads to significant metamorphoses in the world economy. There is no doubt about the statement that the digital world is not only the latest logical stage in the development of the social technological industry, but also the entire existing reality in terms of legal, socio-political and economic orientation. Digitization is becoming dominant in the economic growth of any state and is generally a modern development trend. Recently, almost all insurance organizations operating effectively on the insurance market are faced with the need for transformations, because new technologies, innovations and models of consumer behavior of policyholders radically change former, stable business models. Therefore, the process of digitalization of the economy has a significant impact on the activities of insurers. It has been established that technological innovations will have an impact on the development of the market of insurance services in Ukraine in the future. It was determined that InsurTech will continue to be one of the most dynamic components of FinTech. Modern technologies have created a complex of benefits for all students of the CTP. Clients reduced their administrative costs and reduced the risk of fraudulent actions on the part of clients. For policyholders, access to ctpax products has become easier, the time to purchase ctpax policies and receive payments for claims has become easier, the possibility of customizing ctpax products has appeared. Due to the digital transformation of the insurance market, the quality of insurance services is increasing and new insurance products are emerging that cover new risks associated with technological progress. At the same time, digitalization and the spread of technological innovations have created a number of threats, such as the reduction of five-channel communication companies and the improper monitoring of the new relationship between communication and telecommunication companies. The digital transformation of the insurance market of Ukraine in the study was considered in terms of the development of digital technologies, which define Internetization, individualization and digitalization, which substantiate the feasibility of the functioning of the specified market and reflect the innovativeness of the latter. It was determined that the processes of digital transformation in the insurance market will contribute to increasing the efficiency and profitability of insurance activities through the development of an internal defined market based on the convergence of the subject composition of the market; savings in time and costs; development and implementation of new insurance products and services in the context of various schemes of insurance protection with the help of socialization of insurance relations on the insurance market; implementation of competitive advantages with the help of innovative business models, products and services provided by technologies
Key words insurance market, automation, digitalization, digital transformation, technologies, communications, insurance organization
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