Uman NUH | today: 01/21/2025

Present state and trends of development of farm enterprises

Author(s) Harbar V.V., , , NSC "Institute of agrarian economy"
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #84
pages 214-221 index UDK 631.22:631.1.016
Abstract The purpose of the article is to evaluate the current peculiarities, trends of operating and main directions of the Ukrainian farm enterprises development. Theoretical and methodological foundation of the research are fundamentals of economic theory, researches of Ukrainian and foreign scholars. The main factor of agricultural production is land due to the fact that the process of crop and livestock production is impossible without it. The financial results of farm enterprises make it possible to provide the processes of simple reproduction with the elements of reproduction on a progressively increasing scale. In order to ensure the efficient development and activity of farm enterprises it is necessary to reenact the state support, allocate it to the development of livestock production, vegetable production, fruit production, berry production and other branches of agriculture.
Key words farm enterprise, development, stage, state, formation, rate of development, factual data, analysis, mechanism, produce
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