Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Analysis of migration processes: risks for Ukrainian agriculture

Author(s) Burlyay A.P., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Burlyay A.L., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Poberezhets I.I., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Журавель Р. О., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 100. Part 2
pages 284-290 index UDK 331.56.57
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-284-290 (Link)
Abstract Today migration is a must for almost every country in the world. Population migration is primarily understood as short- or long-term movements of people inside or outside the country for various reasons in order to temporarily or permanently change their place of residence. Migrations can be divided into external and internal migrations. International migration is not uniform throughout the world, it is formed under the influence of economic, geographical, demographic and other factors, which leads to the formation of different migration models. There are various reasons for migration, the main of which are economic problems, political persecution, self-realization, and so on. However, one of the main reasons is the search for protection from hostilities. Thus, Russia's military aggression against Ukraine caused a wave of international migration of about 5 million people and internal migration of more than 8 million displaced people. This carries significant risks to the efficient functioning of the country's economy. Of course, this will negatively affect the economy of post-war Ukraine. It will also lead to the aging of the nation, as the younger generation and able-bodied people go abroad; to the outflow of labor resources, the outflow of intellectual potential and the lack of highly qualified specialists; to the reduction of the population and the destruction of family relations, traditions and culture, etc. It also envisages narrowing the potential of innovation and technological development through the emigration of the intellectual elite and reducing the return on investment in human capital and education. These and other consequences of international migration will negatively affect all sectors of the economy, without exception, including agriculture. After all, the agricultural sector is a key sector in the postwar period to ensure food security not only in our country but also in many countries around the world. The UN report on the impact of the war in Ukraine on trade and development states that high prices for grain, energy, fertilizers and logistics, empty grain storages, and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic threaten the food crisis and famine for millions. In this context, there are risks of the negative impact of forced international migration on agricultural production.
Key words migration, economics, risks, types of migration, analysis of migration processes.
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