Uman NUH | today: 01/29/2025

Organization of marketing activities management of an agricultural engineering enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets

Author(s) Penkova O. G., Doctor of Economics, ,
Харенко А. О., , ,
Кулішенко Є. М., , ,
Category Economics
year 2021 issue Issue number 98. Part 2
pages 153-165 index UDK 005:658.8:[621:631.31:339.13]
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-98-2-153-165 (Link)
Abstract The strengthening of the role of an effective organization of marketing management for agricultural engineering enterprises in Ukraine is due to an increase in competitive pressure from domestic and foreign producers who offer functional analogues, as well as from importers of used equipment, a decrease in the capacity of the domestic market due to the crisis in economy and the loss of control over a part of occupied territories of Ukraine. Analysis of the peculiarities of organizing marketing activities on the example of one of the largest enterprises of agricultural engineering in Ukraine, CJSC “Umanfermmash”, showed that on the domestic market it mainly focuses on small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, farms, private entrepreneurs providing services of the processing of land plots to the population, and its product and pricing policy in the current marketing strategy corresponds to the described group of potential buyers, which indicates the feasibility of its application in the future. The conducted research revealed a number of problems in the organization of marketing activities of CJSC “Umanfermmash”: low quality of feedback from end users, especially foreign ones, in the context of bringing product characteristics to their needs; insufficient presentation of information about various aspects of the company's activities on its website; narrowing of cooperation with distributors, which negatively affected the effectiveness of sales activities; insufficient attention to quality improvement, which sometimes deteriorates due to the use of cheaper raw materials and materials. Improving the organization of CJSC “Umanfermmash” marketing activities management initially requires adjusting the existing marketing strategy, which should be differentiated. So, for the foreign market, it should be based on an attacking concept, and for the domestic market it should be realized as supportive marketing. In the first case, there should be an active, aggressive position of the company in the market, which is aimed at gaining and expanding the market share, and in the second, – it involves maintaining the level of demand in the market that is optimal for the enterprise.
Key words marketing activities, marketing management, domestic market, foreign market, agricultural engineering enterprises
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