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The essence and the content of the concept of intensification of open ground vegetable production

Author(s) Chernenko Yu. Yu., , ,
Category Economics
year 2014 issue Issue #86
pages 35-40 index UDK 631.151.2:635.1/.8
Abstract The arrears of the main industrial and economic indices from the Western countries force to look for the new ways out of crisis, mainly because of qualitative improvement of manufacturing environment, development of productive forces and productive relations. The degree of economic independence and political influence of Ukraine in the world arena depends on the achievements and support of food security of the country greatly. Exactly this fact is an important precondition of production intensification. A considerable number of scientific studies is devoted to the problem of theoretical and practical basis of production intensification of plant growing including vegetable growing. But the given problem requires constant scientific investigation, taking into account economic management conditions variability and economic development dynamism. The scientific studies, published works in vegetable production intensification in the open ground of domestic and foreign scientists became the methodological base of the investigation. The increase in production in the agricultural sector can be carried out in two forms: extensive and intensive. The study of the agriculture intensification problem requires detection of the differences between them. The essence of the extensive type of expanded reproduction is that the volume of production increases due to the use of natural soil fertility and quantitative growth of all production factors on the available technical and technological basis. Output expansion on the basis of its quality component improvement is a sign of intensive type of expanded reproduction. In practice, a mixed type of intensification is the most common. In the XX-th century two concepts which reveal the essence of agriculture intensification were formed: «unprofitable» and «effective». The basic condition of intensification and stable agriculture development is transition to an innovative way of development which is impossible without investment activities and will provide qualitative indices growth and quantitative changes in the branch. The achieved level of agriculture intensification of Ukraine up to 2013 is characterized and the ways of its rise are shown. Agricultural production intensification is the unity of improvement processes and the search of optimal combination of the factors of investment and noninvestment character on the basis of continuous innovative renewal, application of which is determined by certain conditions of management and thereby achieving maximum results.
Key words intensification, investments, vegetable-growing, fertility
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