Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Economic mechanism of marketing of domestic medium-sized enterprises of agro-business

Author(s) Penkova O. G., Doctor of Economics, ,
Kharenko A.A., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Lementovskaya V.A., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 100. Part 2
pages 311-319 index UDK 631.1: 339.138:338.43
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2022-100-2-311-319 (Link)
Abstract In the face of armed confrontation with the russian aggressors, the destruction of logistics links in the supply and distribution of products from the efficiency of using the potential of the domestic agricultural sector depends not only on Ukraine's food security, but also on GDP reduction, caused by war. The ability of individual agricultural enterprises to adapt to new economic realities will be determined by not only the mitigation and simplification of institutional requirements for their business, but also by the effectiveness of the economic marketing mechanism formed and implemented by them. The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics and effectiveness of the economic mechanism of marketing of medium-sized enterprises of agrarian business of Ukraine. To determine the specifics and effectiveness of the economic mechanism of marketing of domestic medium-sized agricultural enterprises used a monographic method of research of individual agricultural enterprises of Uman district, the method of expert evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing systems of agricultural enterprises, the method of grouping expert evaluations proposals to improve this mechanism. A study of the importance of the components of the economic mechanism of marketing of agricultural enterprises using the method of expert assessments revealed that the greatest impact on the effectiveness of its operation have commodity and price policy (weighting factor 0.20), product distribution (weighting factor – 0.15), communications, research and approaches to marketing management (weighting factor of 0.10); internal marketing (weighting factor – 0.05). Assessment of the current economic marketing mechanism of four typical medium-sized agricultural enterprises in Uman district showed that there is a direct correlation between the scale and diversification of their activities and the level of competitiveness of their marketing systems. At the same time, all surveyed agricultural enterprises have a low level of marketing planning and management, which requires the transformation of the entire management system of their marketing activities through the introduction of strategic marketing mechanisms.
Key words economic mechanism of marketing, marketing system, management of marketing activity, competitiveness of marketing system, agricultural enterprises
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