Uman NUH | today: 01/22/2025

The role of diversification in the development of the market of credit resources for agricultural business entities

Author(s) Bechko P.K., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Bondarenko N.V., , , Uman National University of Horticulture
Ptashnyk S., Candidate of Ekonomikal Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Nepochatenko E.A., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Гавриленко О. А., , ,
Category Economics
year 2023 issue Issue number 102. Part 2
pages 48-59 index UDK 338.33:631:15
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2023-102-2-48-59 (Link)
Abstract The article considers the urgent problem of insufficient access to finance for agricultural enterprises. Attention is focused on the study of the analysis of the effectiveness of diversification strategies and the development of recommendations for their implementation. The role of diversification in ensuring access to credit resources for agricultural enterprises is determined and an algorithm for choosing a diversification strategy for agricultural business entities to increase access to credit resources is developed. The factors that influence the development of the market of credit resources for agrarian business entities and at the same time create the prerequisites for centralized state influence, which leads to an increase in agricultural production under conditions of expanded reproduction, self-financing and self-sufficiency, are determined. A model of diversification of the activities of an agricultural business entity is formed to increase their creditworthiness. The system of goals for diversification of activities of agricultural business entities is defined. It has been found that diversification of agrarian business entities, in addition to expanding access to credit resources in the credit services market, has a positive impact on the social security of the rural population. The study found that diversification is one of the ways to improve access to credit for agricultural businesses. Attention is focused on developing recommendations and strategies that can contribute to the development of the credit market through diversification. The importance of further research in this area is determined and the importance of developing effective diversification tools and policies to stimulate the development of the agricultural sector and improve financing conditions for agricultural businesses is emphasized. It is determined that it is possible to change the situation that has developed in recent years in the field of rural employment by increasing the level of diversification of activities.
Key words diversification, agrarian business, market of credit services. crediting, financial resources, diversification processes, information capital, sustainable development of rural areas, diversification of production, competitiveness of agrarian business
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