Uman NUH | today: 01/30/2025

Regulating ways of segmentation labour market processes in agrarian sphere

Author(s) Vuychenko M.A., Doctor of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2013 issue Issue number 83. Рart 2
pages 183-189 index UDK 338.43.331.3
Abstract The article defines the main problems of formation of regional labour markets, namely, providing economic sphere with higly qualified working staff, disbalance of professional and qualification levels, discrepancy between the trends and volumes of professional education and the needs of the modern labour market, low quality of vacancies, significant differentiation of employment in industrialized and monostructured regions, youth unemployment, migration outflow of labour force to the labour markets of other regions, existence of shadow employment and illegal labor migration abroad. It is emphasized, that the characteristic features of the formation of labour market in agrarian sphere is a labour excess conjuncture, which is due to seasonal character of agricultural production, changes in the size and specialization of economic agents, low territorial and professional mobility of rural population, the declining prestige of agrarian labour and its low remuneration, deterioration of social-economic condition of labour. The process segmentation of labour market as to the age criterion is suggested. It is based on the economic-mathematical balance model of assessing the need of a separate economic district in labour resources for the agricultural sector. The developed model depends on the factors of demographic and socio-economic character that affect the amount of labour resources of the agrarian sphere. The ratio between the number of working professionals of the agrarian sphere and the need of them could be regulated due to the following parameters: the average workload of agricultural workers, the demand for workers in agrarian sphere on the regional labour market, the limit of permissible working age in the agrarian sector, the admission plans of higher education establishments training specialists for agriculture.
Key words segmentation of labour market, segmentation criteria, agrarian enterprises, labour potential.
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