Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

Strategic analysis of the external environment is the basis for determining the strategic direction of the development of business structures

Author(s) Бленда Н. О., , ,
Коротєєв М. А., , ,
Sokovnina D.M., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Соколюк С. Ю., , ,
Zharun E. V., PhD in Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Category Economics
year 2021 issue
pages 124-131 index UDK 005.33:338.1
DOI 10.31395/2415-8240-2021-99-2-124-131 (Link)
Abstract The essence and significance of strategic analysis in the process of determining the strategic direction of enterprise development are considered. Approaches to the implementation of strategic analysis of the external environment are studied, the tools and methods of its implementation are determined. It is established that the main methods of assessing the impact of environmental factors are PEST-analysis and SWOT analysis. The purpose of PEST-analysis is to determine the impact of political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological aspects of the environment, which allows identifying environmental factors that most affect the activities of business structures, as well as to predict favorable or threatening dynamics of their impact. Given the globalization of society, deepening and exacerbation of global problems, it is proposed to supplement the matrix of PEST-analysis of macro-environmental factors with the block "Global Problems" which covers economic, energy, demographic, social, environmental, and other spheres of human existence to change the factors of the external environment form the corresponding changes in the internal environment. The PEST-analysis itself allows for the development of the factors of the new middle, as it infuses the most into the scope of the household structures, and also transfers it to the more friendly and threatens the dynamism with the inflow of the cich factors. Protest, then, it means, that the globalization of the suspension and the diagnosis of global problems of the people is fueled by the correlation of the efficiency of all social and economic systems. Therefore, it is important to add the PEST-analysis matrix with the “Global Problems / Global Problems” block, which inject me into the singing world, and start the development of all officials of the new middle middle class, right into the middle of the earth.
Key words strategic analysis, external environment, methods of strategic analysis, PEST-analysis, global problems, SWOT-analysis
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