Uman NUH | today: 01/31/2025

Financial support of investment activity of agricultural enterprises

Author(s) Ulyanych Y.V., Candidate of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Gvozdey N.I., Candidate of Economics Sciences, , Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine
Category Economics
year 2016 issue 88
pages 142-150 index UDK 336.144.2
Abstract Changes in the economic business model has led to a radical diffusion of basic conditions for the functioning of the real economy and, above all, agriculture. The development of domestic agricultural economy in the new market conditions occurs on a complex and ambiguous scenario. That is why in such conditions becomes important investment activity. Considering these various aspects constitute scientific interest. The study used the following methods: abstract - logical (theoretical generalizations and drawing conclusions), monographic and comparative analysis, Economics and Statistics. When investing activities generated constructive potential formation of adaptive models of economic development of the agricultural enterprises, as well as the principles and methods of economic modernization, and, respectively, and a variety of management strategies financial support of investment activity, increase opportunities of access to external sources of formation of financial resources through improved financial stability and the investment attractiveness of investment process with a view to modernization and development of material-technical base of agricultural production and enhance its competitiveness in terms of membership in the WTO. Financing of investment activity is not a separate sphere separate and integral part of the management system formation and use of financial resources. All administrative decisions in this field directly or indirectly affect the results of not only investment, but also the main activity of the enterprise. From this perspective, it is subordinated to the overall economic strategy of the enterprise, which defines the basic financial terms of the development of investment activity. Features of financial support of the investment process of economic entities in agriculture and compensation used for the purpose of financial resources, mainly affects the specificity of assets created as a result of the investment. Based on the study of the agricultural enterprises lending practices by commercial banks it found that other than interest in the costs of obtaining financial resources need to be included and associated costs related to the implementation: initial payment, which require individual banks; credit insurance; assessment of collateral object; loan agreement and other. expenses.
Key words operating, investment, financial resources, profitability, cash flows, cash loans.
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