Uman NUH | today: 02/01/2025

The economic component of the sustainable development of the agriculture of Ukraine

Author(s) Mudrak R.P., Doctor of Economics, , Uman National University of Horticulture
Лагодієнко В. В., , ,
Демченко О. В., , ,
Category Economics
year 2022 issue Issue number 101. Part 2
pages 141-152 index UDK 338.436-021.387(477)
DOI 10.32782/2415-8240-2022-101-2-141-152 (Link)
Abstract Economic sustainability of agricultural development is a process of stable growth of agricultural output. Labor productivity and the index of agricultural products are indicators used to assess the level of economic sustainability of agricultural development. Actual values of the «labor productivity in agriculture» indicator in 2015 and 2020 were 3.8 and 5.4 thousand dollars respectively, or 43.6 and 54% of the target values. For the period 2001–2020 the actual average value of the indicator «index of agricultural products» is 102.7 %. This is 0.7 % more than the target value. However, in the last five-year period (2016–2020), it slowed down to a minimum value of + 0.5 % on average per year. The main reason for this was russian military aggression. The key endogenous factors hindering the economic sustainability of agricultural development are: – application of extensive production technologies. First of all, in the household sector; – violation of ecologically safe norms of exploitation of natural resources. The reason for the use of extensive production technologies is deindustrialization – in 2000, the amount of energy capacity per 1 ha of harvested area was 4.86, and in 2016 – only 2.08 kWh. The problem of low-intensity, resource-intensive production is most evident in the environment of small organizational forms, primarily households. Violation of environmentally friendly standards for the exploitation of natural resources is manifested primarily in the loss of soil fertility due to the removal of nutrients by crops, which is not compensated by the application of mineral and organic fertilizers. There is a critical situation with the application of organic fertilizers – in 1990, the share of areas treated with organic fertilizers was 14.2 %, and 6.7 tons of the substance was applied per 1 ha, in contrast, in 2021, these indicators were 4.9% and 0.6 tons, respectively. Reproduction of humus occurs only thanks to the introduction of organic fertilizers. The reason for the acute shortage of organic fertilizers is the catastrophic reduction of the cattle population - for the period from 1990 to 2021 the number of cattle in all categories of farms in Ukraine decreased by 9.3 times – from 24,623.4 to 2,644 thousand head. And it continues to shrink. Ending the crisis in the livestock sector and its gradual recovery is an important condition for ensuring the economic sustainability of agricultural development.
Key words sustainable development, economic component, labor productivity, output, human economy, humus, nutrients, deficit, organic fertilizers, cattle breeding
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